About Us
Cutler-Orosi Unified Alternative Schools
offer a welcoming learning environment
that is robust, secure, and accepting.
The LHS goal is to provide every student with a quality education and a High School Diploma, and for our students to be college- and career-ready and be prepared to compete in a global economy.
Alternative High School Placement
Cutler-Orosi Joint Unified School District offers Lovell High as an alternative placement for students who are not successful at the comprehensive high school. Our Alternative Schools are safe, secure, and accepting of our students while receiving an education that is standards-based, rigorous, and relevant.
Lovell High School transitioned to a continuation school in 1969. Lovell High School has a smaller enrollment count which varies from 50 to 80 students, five full-time teachers (including one resource teacher), one instructional aide, one secretary, lead custodian and night custodian, campus security, a School Counselor, Learning Director and Principal (all shared with the Community Day and Esperanza High Schools).
The Student Transfer Team meets every quarter between LHS and OHS to discuss students deemed “at risk” of not graduating from OHS. School counselors, site administration, and the Director of Student Service make up the team. Some students are transferred to LHS through the Student Discipline Review Board (SARB) process.
Once LHS students are on-track to graduate from OHS, they have the choice to transfer back either at the beginning of the school year or after Winter Break.
LHS is dedicated to providing personalized instruction for all students. Each student develops an individual plan with their counselor to become a graduate who will successfully transition to college, a trade school, or the workforce.
LHS strives to provide students with an alternate educational opportunity. Small class sizes and a holistic approach to student learning provide students with a support system to facilitate student success. Students at LHS share that they typically struggled with the traditional setting of a large traditional high school. They see greater success in the flexibility and supportive program provided in an alternative setting.
Lovell High School teachers are committed, caring teachers who show patience and a caring attitude every day to our students. Lovell High School is dedicated to ensuring that all students are college- and career-ready and have mastered all the necessary skills needed for life after graduation.
Through hard work and perseverance, Lovell High School will be a place where all students will be successful, productive adults, able to fulfill their educational goals, as well as contribute to a productive society.